How it works

In this post, we will talk about this site structure.

Source code available in my Github Repository



Current site is written in Nuxt web framework v3.

I have chosen because of many out-of-the-box features, such like:

  • File-based routing: define routes based on the structure of your pages/ directory. This can make it easier to organize your application and avoid the need for manual route configuration.
  • Code splitting: Nuxt automatically splits your code into smaller chunks, which can help reduce the initial load time of your application.
  • Server-side rendering out of the box: Nuxt comes with built-in SSR capabilities, so you don't have to set up a separate server yourself.
  • Auto-imports: write Vue composables and components in their respective directories and use them without having to import them with the benefits of tree-shaking and optimized JS bundles.
  • Data-fetching utilities: Nuxt provides composables to handle SSR-compatible data fetching as well as different strategies.
  • Zero-config TypeScript support: write type-safe code without having to learn TypeScript with our auto-generated types and tsconfig.json
  • Configured build tools: we use Vite by default to support hot module replacement (HMR) in development and bundling your code for production with best-practices baked-in.

But most important for me is the Nuxt is buildup on Vue and its ecosystem, which allows to use Vue features in Nuxt framework. Plus, native TypeScript support and ContentRenderer for Markdown files as documents.

Post structure


In contrast of pervious versions, this requires only yaml heading in the document beginning:

title: string
description: string
language: string
created: yyyy-MM-dd
modified: yyyy-MM-dd

With significant feature:

modified: yyyy-MM-dd
  - http-equiv: X-UA-Compatible
    content: IE=edge,chrome=1

  - meta1Key1: meta1Value1
    meta2Key2: meta2VValue2
    # ...

  - meta2Key1: meta2Value1
    meta2Key2: meta2Value2
    # ...

  # ...

That allows (as mentioned in yaml) to add meta tags and ignore similar tags that set by the internal seoMetaHelper function.

  meta: postMeta,

  title: data.value.title || 'No title provided',
  description: data.value.description || 'No description provided',
  // Meta could have not only name, but property too
  //   Note: undefined values being ignored by seo helper
  excluded: postMeta.flatMap(record => [,]),

The post data is fetched via queryContent Nuxt function (documentation can be found here). And preprocessed with hydrateMeta helper:

const postMeta = (
    .filter(([key, _]) => key.match(/^override$/))
    .flatMap(([_, packed]) => Array.isArray(packed) ? packed : [])

This function replaced special content marks by its content:

  • %URL_BASE% by current base url value (e.g.

The hydrateMeta function allows set real url to, for example, an alternative og:image. Or set the different image for Twitter.

Example with twitter image:

modified: yyyy-MM-dd
  - property: twitter:image
    content: '%URL_BASE%/path-to-alternative.png'

Since meta title and <meta name="title" content="..."> is preferred over <meta property="og:title" content="..."> (same for twitter title). Its content may be ignored.